Monday 2 January 2012

Revenge of the Cabbage, AKA Do you even care?

Never stop trying, Real Canadian Superstore. I think you're getting closer. Not quite a hot green pepper, but at least you are near some type of Asian-looking greens, complete with plastic bag and red tape closure. I still say a Taiwanese cabbage is a cabbage, Brassica oleraceai

F for eFfort and Fail.

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  1. You should lodge a complaint with the customer service desk. Barring that, stage a protest by holding up the pepper, shouting 'You dishonour my people!' and then pretending to belly cut.

  2. Is the sign for the vegetable to the left?? Next time bring an independence flag and put it up.

  3. It's a shame too because 48 cents is do cheap.

  4. yes i think they meant it for the vegetable on the left.
