Sunday 2 October 2011

Beaver in the Bush

Do you see me? I'm grading papers behind my bale of hay.

Yesterday my gracious hostess and only friend took me on a tour of the veterinary medicine building at U of S. I saw this beaver behind a closed door. I think he teaches first year anatomy.

I was blown away by the drab concrete interior of the building, and am looking forward to spending four years of my life there. Across from the vet building, is the agricultural building with its beautiful spiral staircase and glass exterior, but I don't envy those agricultural students their sleek modern building, no I don't. 

Fun fact: the cafeteria in the vet building had its food services cancelled! Watch out Prof. Beaver...


  1. U of S sounds like pure heaven.

  2. Are you going to switch to Agriculture? You can put your arm in a cow's butt.

  3. Agricultural Sciences! Just like Balbo!
