Saturday 15 October 2011

My local news anchors are SAXY!

While watching the local evening weekend news, I couldn't help but notice how attractive the anchors were. These people are so high profile, I couldn't even find pictures of them on CTV's website or anywhere else online! So I resorted to taking pictures of the TV screen with my HTC.

Sports! Exciting!

Economy-grade Will Shuester keeps it real while reporting the news!

The best part was when the two of them were in the same shot! Look at their on-screen chemistry!

"Hey wouldn't it be fun if we wore matching suits for tonight's show?"

I have to apologize for my bad timing - after taking the above picture, the two anchors clumsily attempted a fist bump. Imagine it: sports guy throws his fist forward, news guy gets confused and keeps his fist clenched on the desk, and then nothing! No fist bump bump! I'm thankful though, because failed fist bump makes local tv magic.


  1. The missed fist bump is genius amusing even on just description alone. Economy grade Will Shuester. Mwa ha ha. Comic genius, you are! I chuckle heartily.

  2. It's not even inspired, it is just a direct description of the events I saw!

  3. they look like they're wearing their fathers' suit jackets. too big and too shoulder padded! then there's the nerdy side part...the crispy-looking hair gel...the overall pastiness. I bet they went to my high school.

  4. are you sure this isn't a high school news program broadcast on local cable access tv?
