Sunday 25 December 2011

Christmas Dollar Grillz y'all

The oven is full but there's still meat to be cooked! What to do? Fire up the grill and get'r done! And no this ain't Christmas in the South - Southern Hemisphere, I mean. This be the North, foo, and dang it's cold!

Don't need no jacket. Don't need no hat. Just my invisible tongs and meat.
So I brought my camera out too late and the meat was already off the grill and grilling tools put away. I didn't realize this until I looked at the picture after I'd taken it and saw that I was being mime-grilled. But you can see the tupperware at the bottom where the meat was being marinated, and that hazy fog? -Why none other than SMOKE FROM THE GRILL! It happened, I swear it did.

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