Sunday 27 November 2011

Boomtown Pt 2

The pumpkin is pureed and draining, so now it's time to power through. You won't want to miss the grand finale, so stick with me!

Inbred and bored - is this a realistic portrayal of children at the time?
Now, debate!
Mud house? Oh it's just packed in mud. I'll take it.
A nod to the germaphobe Japanese settlers. Really should be less of a nod and more of a bow with your hands forming a triangle and your forehead touching the ground, though. 

Oh my god. I'm so sorry. Your life is terrible.
And I read inside your mud house that your husband left you for some slutty widow.
Fast forward to 2005 and let's give thanks to your settler ancestors.
Now line up for your BBQ!