Monday 14 November 2011

What happens in Diva's...

Diva's is one of the gay bars here in the Bush. Yes, one of. Amazing I know! I was there for a drag show, which wasn't as sad as you might imagine, but also no where near the glory of Unity circa when I was 19. 

Anyway, this was a poster Diva's had on their toilet stall door, advertising their F asterisk Me Fridays. Do they play hangman? Hide and Go Seek?

Q: What happens in Diva's?
If you answered, "Free WiFi," you get a gold F asterisk!


  1. oooh we should go and find out! a visit to the 'bush is getting more and more enticing.

  2. Ooooh... I would be proud to show a real Shireling around.
